Saturday 1 October 2011



Let me share something which I have read recently.  The book title The World Wide Web whereby it is today's new medium.  Many of its characteristics can be better understood by comparing it with traditional mass media.   According to Kevin Kawamoto, at the University of Washington, compiled this chart for a Freedom Forum seminar on technology.

Traditional Mass Media
  • Hierarchical: News and information pass through a vertical hierarchy of gatekeeping and successive editing.
  • Unidirectional: Dissemination of news and information is generally one-way, with restricted feedback mechanisms.
  • Space/time constrain: Newspapers are limited by space; radio and TV by time.
  • Professional communicators: Trained journalists, reports and experts tend to qualify as traditional media personal.
  • High access costs: Cost of starting a newspaper, radio or TV station is prohibitive for most people.
  • General Interest: Many mainstream mass media target large audiences and thus offer broad coverage.
  • News, values, journalistic standards: Content produced and evaluated by conventional norms and ethics.

New Media
  • Interactive: Feedback is immediate and often uncensored or modified; discussion and debate rather than editorials and opinions.
  • Less space/time constraints: Information is stored digitally; hypertext allows large volumes of info to be layered one a top another.
  • Amateurs/nonprofessionals: Anyone with requisite resources can publish on the Web, even amateur and nontrained communication.
  • Low access costs: Cost of electronic publishing/broadcasting on the Internet is much more affordable.
  • Customized: With fewer space/time restraints and market concerns, new media can narrowcast in depth to personal interest.
  • Feedback: Electronic mail, posting to online discussion groups; comparatively simple and effortless; often unedited, unmoderated.

I think, that's all for now...  See you next time...


    1. Considering this blog appearance, I would say that the owner is a cute and underage girl. Luckily I know you, so I won't be tricked hahahaha.

      Anyway it is very cute blog but the content will reveal your age hehehe. Keep it up
